Marital Interdependence
Nov 07, 2023
What does marital interdependence mean to you and what does it take to achieve it and maintain it? In other words, what makes a successful marriage and how does it last?
First, let’s talk about what does not make a successful marriage.
- Blame
- Shame
- Dependency
Relationships are not an emotional vending machine. We cannot pick what we want our partner to feed us and expect them to make us feel a certain way. If we want to be happy, we must first CHOOSE to be happy. If we aim to mold or change our partner, we set ourselves up for relationship havoc.
So what makes a successful marriage?
A relationship requires trust, individual happiness and shared goals.
Your spouse’s only job is to be loved by you. Drop the expectations. Throw away the manual and exist from a place of love and support.
Love is not a fairytale or the perfect instagram photo. Love is failing, and failing again, and continuing to communicate, listen and hold space. Love is real life. Love has ups and downs and is rarely if ever 50/50.
Relationships take time, attention and patience. Not everyday or every moment will be magical, but everyday does have the potential to provide growth and bonding as long as you vow to unconditionally love.